Each month you will receive 5 cigars of your choice or by pre-selection from our team of cigars tailored to your pallet. Cigars will be a mix from Legacy Tobacco Co and our partner brands.

  • Ricardo Blanco Cigars
  • Sweet Smokes
  • Continental Cigars

Cigars will come in a custom pouch with a Boveda pack to keep them fresh and ready to smoke.

In addition to, cigar stand, and box of matches. Ensuring you have everything you need for a pleasurable smoke experience.  


How subscriptions work

Select from a one-time purchase, monthly subscription, or quarterly subscription from the cigar subscription page. 

Products are automatically delivered per the schedule subscription you choose. There is a 3-month minimum subscription required. However, you can modify or cancel your subscription at any time through email at info@legacytobaccoco.com.